
Phone Book Ads… Remember When!? (Tech Marketing Tip)

Remember when you had important marketing meetings for the Yellow Pages? Nowadays, showing up in front of potential customers and clients isn’t quite as easy. There are so many options, so many websites, directories, etc. By the end of this article you should have an idea of what to do, or at least where to start!

Obviously consumers are now looking online… and its only getting more and more prevalent. Even people who already know about your business are going to search for your phone numbers… and if you aren’t showing up your competition is.

I am going to give you ONE simple task! We have literally 100 different ways that we can get more business online. I would love to sit down with you sometime to work out a plan that makes you money. Just contact me I’d be glad to help!

NOW FOR THE TASK!! — Your Google Places Listing

Showing up correctly on Google Maps is pretty simple! This is where a lot of online traffic is going to come from because many people are searching for your phone and address and your listing on Google shows up large on the map. Simply make sure your Google Places has current information. You will need to claim the listing or create a new one if Google hasn’t already generated one for you. After you do this try to have a few of your happy customers go and review your company online. Make sure they give you 5-stars.

That’s it! This is level 1 marketing — But so many people overlook it. If you need help with this we can assist, just reach out!

Also, having a website that is built correctly will help immensely in making sure that you convert those folks who used to search in the Yellow Pages.

There are also 5-10 more marketing channels online you should optimize so you show up ahead of your competitors and so that people are running into your company when they search… But we will save these tips for upcoming blog posts!

by Rowdie Mitch Goudy
VP Business Development